Secure Your Legacy with Comprehensive Estate Planning

Ensure your assets are protected and your wishes are honored with our expert estate planning services.

Explore Estate Planning Topics

Revocable Living Trust

Understand the benefits of a trust that can be altered or revoked during your lifetime.

Last Will and Testament

Learn how to outline your final wishes and distribute your assets.


Find out how to appoint a guardian for your minor children or dependents.

Estate Planning Amendments

Understanding Estate Plan Modifications

Estate plans are not static documents; they need to evolve with your life circumstances. Learn about the various amendments and modifications you can make to ensure your estate plan remains effective and up-to-date.

From codicils to amendments of revocable living trusts and special needs trusts, discover the processes and importance of keeping your estate planning documents current.

Understand the steps involved in dealing with death-related documentation, such as affidavits of death for joint tenants, trustees, or co-trustees. Learn about the necessary estate planning documents, including the nomination of guardians, designation of temporary guardians, and visitation authorizations.

Secure Your Future with Expert Estate Planning

Don’t leave your legacy to chance. Contact Vault Estate Planning today to ensure your estate is managed according to your wishes. Our team of experienced professionals is here to guide you through every step of the process. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about the latest in estate planning.

Estate Planning Documents

Access a comprehensive suite of documents for all your estate planning needs.

  • Revocable Living Trust: Avoid probate and ensure your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes.
  • Last Will and Testament: Outline your wishes for the distribution of your assets and the care of your minor children.
  • Guardianship: Designate a guardian for your minor children to ensure they are cared for by someone you trust.
  • Advance Healthcare Directive: Specify your healthcare preferences and designate someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.
  • Pour Over Will: Ensure that any assets not included in your trust at the time of your death are transferred to it.
  • Power of Attorney: Grant someone the authority to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf.
    • Financial Power of Attorney: Designate an agent to manage your financial affairs.
    • Durable Power of Attorney: Ensure your designated agent retains their authority even if you become incapacitated.
  • HIPAA Waiver: Allow your healthcare providers to share your medical information with designated individuals.
  • Final Disposition Instructions Forms: Specify your wishes for funeral and burial arrangements.

Transfer Documents

  • Deed of Trust: Secure real estate transactions and ensure proper handling of your property.
  • Transfer Deed: Facilitate the transfer of property ownership.

Amending Estate Planning Documents

  • Resignation of Trustee: Handle the resignation and replacement of trustees seamlessly.
  • Appointment of Co-Trustee: Appoint a co-trustee to assist in managing your trust.
  • Revocation of Power of Attorney: Revoke a previously granted power of attorney when necessary.
  • Estate Plan Amendments: Make necessary updates to your estate plan.
  • Estate Plan Modifications: Adjust your estate plan to reflect changes in your life or goals.
  • Codicil: Amend your will with minor changes without creating a new document.
  • Amendment of Revocable Living Trust: Modify your trust to reflect new wishes or circumstances.
  • Amendment of Special Needs Trust: Ensure your special needs trust remains current and effective.
  • Revocation of Revocable Living Trust: Revoke your trust when it is no longer needed.
  • Appointment of Trust Protector: Appoint a trust protector to oversee the management of your trust.

    Estate Taxes

    • Estate Taxes: Implement strategies to reduce estate tax liabilities.
    • Crummey Powers: Utilize gift tax exclusions effectively through Crummey Trusts

    Miscellaneous Estate Planning Trusts and Trust Clauses

    • Irrevocable Trust: Protect your assets and ensure they are managed according to your wishes.
    • Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT): Exclude life insurance proceeds from your taxable estate.
    • Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT): Transfer wealth to your beneficiaries while minimizing gift taxes.
    • Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT): Transfer your residence to heirs while minimizing gift taxes.
    • A/B Trust: Optimize estate tax savings for married couples.
    • Charitable Remainder Trust (Annuity Trust and Unitrust): Support charitable causes while benefiting from tax advantages.
    • Gift Trusts: Facilitate tax-efficient gifting to your beneficiaries.
    • Intentionally Defective Marital Deduction Trust: Utilize advanced tax strategies to benefit your spouse.
    • Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts: Leverage tax benefits while retaining control over trust assets.
    • Realty “Land” Trusts: Manage real estate assets effectively.
    • IRA Beneficiary Trusts: Ensure your IRA assets are distributed according to your wishes.
    • NFA Gun Trusts: Comply with federal regulations for firearms ownership and transfer.
    • VA Planning Trust: Maximize veterans’ benefits and protect assets.
    • Miller Trust (Qualified Income Trust): Manage income to qualify for Medicaid.

      Caring for Disabled Persons

      • Medicaid Trust: Protect your assets while qualifying for Medicaid benefits.
      • Special Needs Trusts: Provide for loved ones with special needs without affecting their eligibility for public assistance.
      • Dementia Directive: Outline your wishes for care if you develop dementia.
      • Spendthrift Clause: Protect your beneficiaries’ inheritances from creditors and poor financial decisions.

        Affidavits of Death

        • Affidavits of Death: Handle the transition of joint or co-trustee assets smoothly.


        • Nomination of Guardian: Ensure your children are cared for by a trusted guardian.
        • Designation of Temporary Guardian: Provide for the temporary care of your children in emergencies.
        • Visitation Authorization: Grant permission for visitation rights as needed.

        Revocable Living Trust

        Last Will and Testament


        Advance Healthcare Directive or Healthcare Power of Attorney (HCPA)

        Pour Over Will

        Power of Attorney

        Financial Power of Attorney

        Durable Power of Attorney

        HIPPA Waiver

        Final Dispositing Instructions Forms

        Deed of Trust

        Transfer Deed

        Resignation of Trustee

        Appointment of Co-Trustee

        Revocation of Power of Attorney

        Qualified Personal Residence Trust

        Estate Taxes

        Crummey Powers – Gives each beneficiary the right to withdraw any gift up to the amount of the gift or the Federal Annual Gift Tax Exclusion Amount (whichever is less). The withdrawal power can be “cumulative” with an annual lapse of equal to the $5 or 5% power (i.e., a “hanging power”) or for the withdrawal period to lapse 30 days after the date of the gift. Whichever option is selected, the gift (up to the annual exclusion amount) becomes a gift of a present interest and qualifies for the annual exclusion.



        Estate Plan Amendments

        Estate Plan Modifications


        Amendment of Revocable Living Trust

        Amendment of Special Needs Trust


        Affidavits of Death for Joint Tenant, Trustee, or Co-Trustee

        Estate Planning Documents

        Nomination of Guardian

        Designation of Temporary Guardian

        Visitation Authorization

        Dementia Directive

        Revocation of Revocable Living Trust

        Revocation of Trustee

        Revocation of Power of Attorney

        Appointment of Trust Protector

        Resignation of Trustee


        Realty “Land” Trusts

        IRA Beneficiary Trusts

        NFA Gun Trusts

        Irrevocable Trust

        Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust – ILIT

        GRAT – Grantor Retained Annuity Trust


        A/B Trust

        Charitable Remainder Trust (annuity trust and unitrust)

        Medicaid Trust

        Special Needs Trusts

        VA Planning Trust

        Miller Trust (aka Qualified Income Trust)

        Gift Trusts

        Spendthrift Clause

        Intentionally Defective Marital Deduction Trust

        Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts